Here you can find the PDF versions of some Powerpoint presentations, given by T. Chudoba on conferences and workshops.
Micromechanics of thin films
Surfaces and Thin Films – Analytics in Practice in Dübendorf 30.6.2016 Invited talk at EMPA Akademie together with EFDS with the topic: Switzerland
Anwendung von Mikro-Scatchtests in Kombination mit Spannungsrechnungen zur Schichthaftungsuntersuchung
7.6.2016 (only in German) Talk at the 17. Wörlitzer Workshop of the EFDS with the topic Coating adhesion: application examples and practical experiences in Wörlitz, Germany
Mechanical Property Characterization of Coatings and Surfaces within the Nano- and Micro-Scale
1.5.2014 Invited talk at the ICMCTF Conference in San Diego, USA
3D micro scratch tests in combination with a comprehensive stress analysis – a new tool for the understanding of surface failures
2.5.2013 Talk at the ICMCTF Conference in San Diego, USA
Mechanical characterization of ultra-thin coatings
10.9.2013 Talk at the EUROMAT conference in Seville, Spain